The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – The Champions’ Ballad

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – The Champions’ Ballad

The Champions’ Ballad is the real reason to purchase Breath of the Wild’s Expansion Pass. Unlike The Master Trials, it’s a content-rich expansion in line with the philosophies of the base game. It adheres closely to the standard definition of an expansion, so while there are no earth-shattering additions to the formula, there’s a lot more of what made BotW enjoyable. Specifically, there’s a plethora of inventive puzzles and exciting enemy encounters, as well as some more helpful exploration tools. At times, it continues the first DLC’s obsession with one-hit kills and limited inventory, but it does so in more interesting and humane ways. There’s even a narrative component this time, although its delivery and cohesion leave a lot to be desired.


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